Have your say! Healthwatch Somerset's People's Vote 2024 is now live. Contribute to the discussion regarding projects and priorities by following the link below or calling this number 0800 999...
Launch of Street’s Repair Café! Sat 24th Feb 2024 @ Street Quaker Meeting House
Delighted to share information on the launch of Street's very own Repair Café on Saturday 24th February, 10am - 12pm at Street Quaker Meeting House. * Fourth Saturday of the month (Starting...
Information: Somerset Council Summary from Cllr Liz Leyshon
Cllr Liz Leyshon has kindly provided a short report relating to the Somerset Council's financial position. Liz has highlighted that the situation is fast moving so some items will likely change as...
New defibrillator installed outside the council offices and Street Library!
Street Parish Council are pleased to say we have arranged for a new defibrillator installed outside the Parish Rooms and Somerset Libraries Street. The St John Ambulance website states that...
Extraordinary Planning Committee Meeting Regarding Somerton Road Development 2019/2946/OTS
Please be aware, there is an Extraordinary Meeting of the Planning Committee to be held in Room 6, Crispin Community Centre, Leigh Road, Street at 6.00pm on MONDAY 8th January 2024. The...
Jumble Sale in aid of We Hear You
March 11 @ 11:00 am - 2:00 pm Reuse, repair, recycle. Come and grab a bargain at the jumble sale! Cakes and refreshments will also be available from £1, which will no doubt sweeten any...
Karen Leafe now joins the team and will be community based, offering advice and support to groups on a local level. If your group or organisation requires some help and support or you just want...
Free Retail and Hospitality Networking, Growth and Support Meetings
Join to discuss free marketing resources and opportunities available to Mendip retail and hospitality businesses. See details and register for meeting in Street on 24th May here: Retail and...
EVENT – Mural Reveal – Saturday 14th May
JOIN US THIS SATURDAY 11AM in the library gardens for the unveiling of four amazing new murals showcasing the history of Street. Painted by the talented local artist Jonathan Minshull. Mural...
West Mendip Neighbourhood Policing Team Newsletter – April 2022