Please see a letter from Halton Planning Services Ltd. below and link to the table of information referred to as part of a response to outstanding queries for the development plans. This will be discussed at the Planning Advisory Committee meeting, Tuesday 14th January 2025, from 6pm at Crispin Hall.
Halton Planning Services Ltd.
Rural Planning & Development Specialist
Company Number 15568684
Dear Sir / Madam,
Thank you for meeting to discuss our planning application reference 2024/2118/OUT relating to land at Brooks Farm.
To support your consideration of this application we have collated the questions that were raised by Parish Council members and the community during and following the last meeting held 10th December 2024.
The following table provides responses to the points raised, and we would be obliged if you could circulate this to members prior to the Parish Council meeting so that they have this information available to them and can consider this in their decision making process.
The application site includes land which is part of adopted and emerging Somerset Council housing allocations ST3 and ST6. The principle of residential development in this location is accepted by these policies. The application is made in outline and seeks to agree the principle of the development of up to 160 homes on the northern half of the land holding, as well as the site access points. Also fixed by this application will be the amount of affordable housing, the extent of open space and community provisions, the landscape and biodiversity protection and enhancement measures as well as the necessary infrastructure to support the development. These matters will be secured by legal obligation. All other matters are reserved and will be dealt with via subsequent reserved matters applications.
We hope these responses serve to alleviate the concerns that have been raised in relation to the development and will enable the Parish to support our application which will deliver a high quality, low density residential development that will deliver policy compliant access and parking and that includes significant areas of open space and habitat.
Thank you for your consideration of this information.
Kind regards
Joanne Halton
On behalf of JD Clark 1984 Trust