
Household Isolating

[caption id="attachment_4647" align="aligncenter" width="299"] Household Covid ten days isolation...

Severe Weather Emergency Provision (SWEP)

Please note Mendip’s Severe Weather Emergency Provision will be active from tonight (6th January). It is set to close on the morning of Monday 11th January. Severe Weather Emergency Provision in...

Lending with Heart and Mind

Mendip District Council fund a not-for-profit loan scheme for homeowners and landlords Parish magazine advert quarter page A4...

Pedestrian/cycle Path Survey

Street Parish Council would like to provide a combined pedestrian/cycle path from Street Roundabout to the traffic lights near the turning off of the A39 into the Clarks Village Car Park. We...

Step Up Somerset

Stepping Up Employment Support A co-ordinated network of employment and skills support for individuals, employers and businesses seeking support and information in relation to employment, skills,...

Street Food Bank – Salvation Army

The main way people can be referred to the Salvation Army is through our dedicated food bank phone number: 07511313339 This phone is on Monday to Friday. Where possible we ask that all people...