Street Parish Council: Support for Young People initiative A project to engage young people in their community Request for Quotation.
Street Parish Council is inviting bids from appropriately qualified and resourced youth outreach organisations to work for a period of three years with an initial review after 6 months and a review point at the end of each 12-month period. This work would commence as soon as practicable in 2023 with the following aims:
- To research and report on young people’s perceptions of Street and their ambitions for the village
- To work with young people and other stakeholders to develop a programme of activity and opportunities to improve young people’s engagement in village life
- To address and reduce incidences of antisocial behaviour
- To improve the uptake of after school clubs and holiday activity opportunities
- To reduce the number of calls to the Police to report ASB in the village
Please download the tender document attached below and submit your quotation by 12 Noon on Monday 6th March 2023 to or Street Parish Council, 6 Leigh Road, Street BA16 0HA.