RESOLUTION TO BORROW – ALTERATION OF PARISH ROOMS At the extraordinary meeting of Street Parish Council of 25th February 2020 it was RESOLVED to seek the approval of the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government to apply for a Public Works Loan Board loan of £100,000 over the borrowing term of 14.5 years, repayable by half yearly annuity, for the alteration of the Parish Rooms. The annual loan repayments will come to around £8,111. It is also intended to increase the council tax precept for the purpose of the loan repayments by 1.5% which is the equivalent of an additional £1.60 a year on a Band D property. This was subject to a precept increase consultation where 81% voted in favour of the proposal. If you have any views or opinions you wish to feed in, please contact the Parish Council direct.
Draft minutes of extraordinary meeting of Council on 25th February 2020
After an excellent debate the Parish Council on 21st January voted overwhelmingly to move forward this exciting project to enhance the library and community facilities. From the 22nd of January a month of full public consultation started. There was be an open evening on the project at the Parish Rooms from 6.30 p.m. on Wednesday 29th January. Details will also be published on the Council’s website, Facebook and be available from the Council office see below. A survey form for the public to complete and return to the office by 21st February is available to download below.
On 25th February an Extraordinary meeting of the council will be held at 6:30pm in Room 6 of the Community Centre to make the final decision to consider the results of the public consultation. The Parish Building has required work on the outside of the building for some time. A team of councillors has been meeting for some years endeavouring to decide how the usefulness of the building to the community can be maximised. Street library was about to close until the Parish Council stepped in by offering the downstairs of the building. There is a need to optimise areas of the building to enable more efficient use of space and more room for the ever-increasing popularity of the library in its new location. There will be a public consultation process as we devise a plan to develop the building to enhance its usefulness. You can download notes from meetings of the Projects Working Group below to find out more about this project. You can also find minutes of the Policy and Finance Committee of 2nd July and 5th November 2019 and the monthly minutes of the Council meetings under the Minutes section and see consideration of this topic progressing. The latest plans of the proposed alterations can also be downloaded below.
The next meeting of the Council will be from 7.15 pm on Tuesday 18th February 2020 in Room 6 at the Community Centre, Leigh Road, Street. Anyone wishing to make a comment on the proposals or wanting more information can attend a Council meeting or contact the office on 01458 440588 or email
Tenders for the alteration of the Parish Rooms for Library/Council/Community use were due back on 20th December and a short survey form will be available online or in paper form from the office from a specified date for 1 month. Forms received after that date will be disregarded. On 21st January there will be an extraordinary meeting of the Council in Room 6, Crispin Community Centre, Leigh Road, Street to consider the tenders received and decide whether or not to proceed with the project and if so how much to borrow from the Public Works Loan Board over a period of 14.5 years. The budget and precept for 2020/21 will then be agreed.
Proposed Ground Floor plans
Proposed First Floor plans
Projects working group notes