Chair of Street Parish Council

Chair of Street Parish Council

Councillor Brian Knickerbocker – Chair of Street Parish Council 2023/2025

If you or your organisation would like to contact the Chairman to invite them to an event or share relevant information with them, please email or telephone the office 01458 440588.

Please ensure you include all required information regarding date, time, location and reason for the event being held.

Vice Chair of Council, Councillor Peter Goater, and Chair of Council, Councillor Bryan Knickerbocker, both elected for 2024/25.

Councillor Laura Wolfers Chair and Councillor Alan Prior Vice Chair of Street Parish Council May 2021 – 2023

Councillor Andy Leafe Chair of Street Parish Council from July 2020 – May 2021

Andy Leafe Chair 202021
Andy Leafe Chair 2020/21