Building work has started Monday (July 6) on Street Library’s new home so it can deliver more services for the residents and members.
Street Parish Council and the Friends of Street Library have been working closely with the Somerset County Council to design a new layout for the village’s Parish Rooms, which will be refurbished and will be the new home for the library once the work in completed.
Both floors will be accessible for community use and the ground floor will be more open plan, with new furniture, more books, and computers.
It will have a brighter feel and be specially configured to better serve the people of Street. The plans is to have it reopen some time in November.
The work is being undertaken by Melhuish and Saunders, the building contractor which is based in Glastonbury.
With the building work forging ahea
d, the parish council is also pleased to announce that a new permanent Community Library Partnership agreement to replace the previous temporary agreement has now been signed between the parish council, Somerset County Council and The Friends of Street Library enabling library provision to continue in the newly-refurbished Parish Rooms for the foreseeable future.
Councillor David Hall, Somerset County Council’s Cabinet Member with responsibility for libraries, said: “It’s great that all involved with Street Library have been pro-active in the past few months and agreed to a new design of the building.
“The work will vastly improve the facilities in Street and the service currently on offer, along with the public’s experience of the library when it reopens. It will be worth the wait.”
Friends of Street Library Chair, Claire Axten, would like to thank Street Parish Council for their commitment in redesigning the present building, to give Street top class library facilities.
She said: “We look forward to continuing our work with both the parish and county council, providing volunteers to support the new building, when it opens.
Also there are plans for the library bus to visit Street from sometime in August.
Chair of Street Parish Council, Peter Goater
, said: “I am pleased to finally redress some of the maintenance issues and provide a much-improved space for the library and the council to work in.
“I would also like to say a special thank you to Landsec, the management company of Clarks Village, for their considerable support during this process.”
The former library building will be undergoing repairs itself at some point in the future, with the future use of the site yet to be decided.
Photographs before work commenced. June 2020
First site visit 28.7.20 What a difference! Renovations are progressing well, it’s going to be a fantastic venue a great asset for Street residents and surrounding villages to enjoy.
Lift Area -
Back entrance -
Children’s Area -
Children’s Area -
IT area -
Library Area
Today’s site visit 18.8.20, it certainly looks different today! Paint colour and flooring chosen and with the extra space the renovations have created it’s going to be an amazing asset to Street.
Entrance lobby -
Entrance to rear of library -
GF lift area -
Main Library – awaiting lift entrance opening -
Under stair storage -
1st Floor lift area
GF Lift -
Library entrance
Computer Area -
Computer Area -
1st Floor Lift -
GF Lift -
Entrance -
Library Entrance -
Main Library Area -
Children’s Area
Main Library Area -
IT Area -
Children’s Area