
Reopening of Street High Street

At an extraordinary meeting of Street Parish Council, held on 25th August, it was resolved to re-open the High Street to traffic as soon as possible.  Somerset County Council has now confirmed that the traffic management put in place to facilitate the road closure will be removed on the evening of 28th August.  Therefore, Street High Street will reopen to all traffic from Saturday 29th August.

The High Street was temporarily pedestrianised to allow for social distancing as lockdown measures were eased.  It was hoped to create a safe environment to encourage people back to the High Street  and support local businesses. 

The temporary closure was due to be reconsidered at the September Council meeting, however the review was brought forward amidst safety concerns due to motorists ignoring the road closure signs, concerns raised by residents in  nearby streets that are not suitable for high volumes of traffic, and a number of local businesses reporting that they were being negatively impacted by the closure.

Street Parish Council would like to thank all those who took the time to contact the council to share their opinions and concerns.