Council Members

07717 570822



Cllr. Nicola Smith

West Ward

Have you ever thought you could make a difference in your own community? I never did! And I have lived in Street for over 10 years. As a busy mother and wife it had never entered my head… until now. In September 2020 I became a Councillor for Street Parish Council.
Being a Parish Council has changed my perception of Street, I hadn’t realised that installed cycle racks, play equipment even the yellow lines painted on our roads originate from ideas raised by Councillors and residents for the Parish Council to initiate. Although these things take time and effort, liaising with staff, Councillors and contractors, it is possible to achieve many wonderful things for our village. Street Parish Council are supporting many of our amazing attractions in Street, such as Greenbank Pool and Strode Theatre. We work closely with local community groups and during the Covid-19 pandemic, we have supported the incredible work carried out by The Salvation Army and the Street Community Support Group. What I have learnt in a very short time on the council, is that nothing gets done unless people work together for the good of the whole of our community. It is too easy to think it will just happen because it won’t!
Could you  help?
Do you have a passion for our village of Street and willingness to help whoever you can? Do you have an opinion, a great idea? Can you spare a little of your time? Are you an expert or skilled in something?
Everything is equally important in our community.
Street Parish Council is made up of people from different backgrounds and experience.
At present our meetings are held once a month via Zoom, it offers wonderful social interaction with like-minded people and an opportunity to learn so much about our local area.
Street is an incredible village and with many involved working to support our community, can come out of Covid stronger and even more successful, if we work together now.

Councillor Nicola Smith Declaration of Interest,